Our boutique Beautiful Skin Herbal tincture is also a top notch liver-support herbal formula! These ingredients found in this blend have been found to be effective in promoting overall healthy, radiant skin.
A booster for the lymphatic system and the liver, we are able to help the skin shine. The skin is a major pathway for eliminating toxins, so we want to keep supportive pathways, such as your liver, clear!
Red Clover Flowers promote healthy, radiant skin, hair, and nails.
Burdock Root and Yellow Dock Root are both supportive to the liver and overall detoxification.
Oat Tops act as herbal support for skin health.
Sarsaparilla Root is a cleansing herb that contains phytochemicals called "Saponins", which promote liver and skin health.
Cleavers Herb supports the lymphatic system and the liver, and provides vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant to go along with the other potent ones found in this blend!
Echinacea, mainly known for its immune benefits, has also been shown to improve the appearance of skin, we use it in a variety of our tincture and syrup items as an overall boost!