Liver Cleanse is our prime herbal blend for promoting optimal liver function. The 6 herbs in this blend detoxify and renew for a healthy liver and gallbladder!
Milk Thistle is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and B vitamins, which aid liver cells and assist the body’s removal of toxins.
Turmeric Root, native to India, has a long history as a spice with bioactive compounds that support healthy inflammatory response and protect the liver from damage.
Oregon Grape Root stimulates liver function, activates bile flow (produced in the liver) and helps to cleanse the liver.
Dandelion Root/Leaf boosts liver health, noteworthy as a traditional springtime cleanser and detoxifier.
Fennel Seed aids digestion, flavors the formula, and eases gastric distress.
Licorice Root adds balance as a unifier of all the herbs, and works as a hepatoprotectant, or liver protector, with its naturally occurring antioxidants and microbial-balancing action.